Sunday, January 12, 2014

Why we hate them?

Is antipathy and bias against particular political party come with genes?

Some time we feel rage against a particular political party and its leader and positive feel for another party. Why this happens to an individual that too when he is not a hard core political activist? Is it is phenomenon which comes genetically or is a result of social process? What makes a man to enemy to some party and friend to other political party?  I have tried to ponder these questions in the past but of no result. When elections are just few months away this bizarre feeling has become again pertinent to discuss in detail. I start this with my own experience.

As a growing boy I used to hear the colloquy usually filled with ire and anger of my father and his friends who used to sit almost daily in the evening in my ancestral house during emergency days. They used to assemble in the evening to discuss the repercussion of MISA and brutal atrocities of police after reading morning news papers. There was no Television at that time in our locality so news papers and hearsay were the only source of information at that time. Black emergency was imposed by late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

As an independent apolitical man my father never joined any political outfit till the end of emergency. He joined RSS and did his three year certificate course also. Today when he is no more with us, I think joining of RSS and BJP was the result of his frustration and anarchy which prevailed at that time in society. In his time there was no other alternative like our friends have in Aam Aadmi Party today.  
My intention to write all this is not to show my lineage toward RSS and BJP but to tell how this all was responsible for creating an antipathy in me against grand old party of India to some extent. This also show how a growing boy gets influenced by the culture and talks which were hovering in any family and to larger extent in a society in which family lives.
Indeed Sociology and Anthropology tell us the impact of culture, primary relations and pear group on any child. But how society and media evolve the ante feeling against any party and its leaders in adults and mature men are interesting to know and watch?

Politics and its peripheral activities are never liked by a large section of society till the eruption of Lokpal movement. However the situations emerge out after exposition of various scams worth cores and lakhs of rupees made commoners to stand up against the government of the day. This is not a unique phenomenon which has occurred in our country only. Recently many countries have witnessed turbulence in their hoi- polloi owing to bad governance. Good governance is always a need of any society and this has vanished in present regime of Manmohan Singh government. All the necessary ingredients of good governance have got eloped from UPA-2. Corruption and inflation are front runners for the time being and have impacted the household budget of common man.

HQ of AAP in Delhi
This all crated many naysayers who do not believe in traditional politics of cast, creed, religion, regionalism and secularism. These iconoclasts built a movement which ultimately turned into a political force to reckon the bastion of traditional political parties. I know this will fury to believers of traditional political parties who were able to enjoy the fruits of power by associating some how with the leaders of traditional parties.

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