Personality development

Concentration: The secret behind every success

fire with help of sun rays' concentration
They are indeed wise, who know that the secret of success is concentration. Concentration is an essential tool for every person..  Businessman, barber, blacksmith, student, teacher or journalist needs concentration to succeed in their professions. By concentration we mean, the concentration of mind.  Sri Krishna regarded it as most restless as any other thing in Bhagvad Gita. It is very surprising to know that 90 % of the thought force is wasted by an ordinary human being in irrelevant and unnecessary things. Hence, whatever we have achieved is the results of 10 % of the thought force which we could able to utilize. Just imagine what would happens if our mind utilized up to 100 % of mind’s faculties? If we look into past history, we would find that no great discovery has been ever made without concentrating the mind on a subject. Therefore, it becomes very important to understand the power of concentration.

We know about the sun’s rays power to ignite fire. How did the rays acquire this power? It was the result of making them converge and thereby, ‘concentrate on a thing’. Our mind is also very similar to a shining sun which can produce fire provided its energies are concentrated and directed towards a single point.

Swami Vivekananda had also emphasized on concentrating the mind which is reflected in his following quote,
The old idea was: ’Develop one idea at the expense of all the rest’. The modern way is ‘harmonious development’. A third way is to ‘develop the mind and control it’, then put it where you will; the result will come quickly. This is developing your self in true sense. Learn concentration and use it in any direction. One who gets the whole must have the parts too.

famous story of Arjuna
A well known story of aiming at bird eye ofArjuna exemplifies his powers of concentration.  Arjuna concentrated so deep on his aim that could see bird’s eye only while all others were unable to see the aim clearly. The lesson here is the power of focus. It was the power of concentration which made him a peerless archer.

In continuation, we come across Dhruv who is known as ’parama-udharan’ of such determination and concentration. He impressed the lord Sri Krishna with his power of concentration and devotion. Sri Krishna after being pleased turned him into a little star and placed him high in the sky, above the world, and away from all jealousy and evil. This little star never moves, for it is Dhruv, who never moved from his meditation of Narayan. Unless we master of our mind, our mastery is nothing more that a talent.

Interestingly, concentration is also one of the path to attain self-realization — the ultimate goal of human life. This goal has been stated in several ways such as Nirvana in Buddism, Achieving Unwavering Intelligence in Bhagvad Gita and Attaining the State of Everlasting Bliss (samadhi) in Hindu Philosophy. Nevertheless, concentration is one of the ways to attain this goal. It has been mentioned in the Raja-yoga that focusing the mind on the same object for twelve seconds achieves one unit of concentration; twelve such units of concentration (two minutes and twenty-four seconds) make one unit of meditation; twelve such successive units of meditation (twenty-eight minutes and twenty-four seconds) make one unit of lower samadhi; twelve such successive units of lower samadhi (five hours, forty-five minutes and thirty-six seconds) then lead to the meditator to asamprajnata samadhi, the highest samadhi — the finalgoal of spiritual quest.

Lastly concentration develops unforgettable memory in man. He can remember whatever he sees and listens forever. Just imagine what miracles can be performed after achieving such a great power. And this power is not hidden anywhere in outside world but within our own mind. A concentrated mind is like a search-light which makes it possible for us to see even the objects lying in distant, dark corner.

Swami Vivekananda
The following quotation made by Swami Vivekananda sums up the whole thing. ‘Concentration is the essence of all knowledge; the more the power of concentration, the more knowledge is acquired, because this is the one and only method of acquiring knowledge. Even the lowest shoeblack, if he gives more concentration, will black shoes better; the cook with concentration will cook a meal all the better. In making money, or in worshipping God, or in doing anything, the stronger the power of concentration, the better will that thing be done. This is the one call, the one knock, which opens the gates of nature, and lets out floods of light. How has all the knowledge in the world been gained but by the concentration of the powers of the mind? The world is ready to give up its secrets if we only know to knock, how to give it the necessary blow. The strength and force of the blow come through concentration. There is no limit to the power of the human mind. The more concentrated it is, the more power is brought to bear on one point; that is the secret.’

We do not know exactly what we are capable of. It’s actually a strong commitment to excellence that can manifest the perfection within. In words of Tiya (a metaphorical parrot on a journey to self-discovery):

YOU are much more than what you think YOU are, and You can achieve much more than you are achieving now

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