Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Congress goes critical to pre poll surveys

Hound and scared by pre- poll surveys showing adverse tally for coming assembly and lok sabha poll, the Congress yesterday questioned methodology of surveys being done by various organizations for media houses.
It seems that methodologies employed by survey organizations are faulty,otherwise how surveys done on the same population projects different and contradictory findings alleged the Congress spokesperson Sandeep Dixit in a press conference in New Delhi.
However sources says that it is adversity of the results against party which compelled party to express its animosity against the organizations engaged in surveys for media houses. The Congress does not want to show its bitterness against some big media houses so it targeted survey organization said a source who does not wish to be identified.
But the important question is whether these surveys are showing  correct public moods
and their inclinations towards parties or showing only manipulated results. Surely this can only be verified once the results of assembly elections will come out in December.

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