Sunday, October 20, 2013

MODI Charisma

Will Modi charisma prove to political game changer in favour of BJP in 2014

Will charisma of the BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi change the fortunes of saffron party at national level also? In the run up of 2014 general election of parliament this has become a million dollars question. With the release of every new survey telecasted on tv channels hope of the BJP getting back to power of corridors gets a new booster dose. Which also gives confidence to key strategy makers of party and its mother organization RSS who made background to anointment of Modi despite loosing support of more than 17 years old allies JD(u).
After humiliating lose of 2009 general election think tank of RSS started to search another hardliner to replace Adwani. Three successive wins of Gujarat by Narendra Modi gave RSS an alternative to stalwart Adawani who can show the much desired way to throne of Delhi says a source of BJP while explaining the situations which compelled the BJP and RSS to dump party’s oldest leader on the sideline and bring Modi on front.
However political analysts who are minutely watching the changing situation of polity raise questions over the big clams of NaMo supporters. Especially when Congress is highlighting stigma of 2002 Gujarat riots holding secular cards near its chest to hound BJP and prime ministerial candidate and to woo post poll allies. ‘The Congerss has done mastery in giving out of proportion blow to any controversy to change the situation in its favour in game of power politics.’ In the past it had used this strategy and it is almost sure that this time it will also be used to change the situation, says a Congress source who does not wish to be named.
Although recent change tone of sulking patriarch of BJP is indicating some short of compromise and understanding between warring groups of BJP. It has come as a solace to staunch supporters of NaMo and to those who have gambled on Gujarat CM despite anticipation of Advani wrath.
The Congress is using all its tricks to flare fear psychosis among minorities to garner the support and votes of Muslims. ‘But this strategy has also some hidden draw backs which can polarize the majority groups in favours of the BJP’ says another analyst. In the past after the Mandir movemet in 90’s, this was a proven strategy which had pushed BJP from 2 to over 180 MPs in the Lok sabha.
‘To repeat the old days, the BJP is busy in making such strategy which will create many Muzaffer Nager in UP and Bihar in coming days’ says Pradeep Jain Minister of State (Rural Development). In fact many Congress senior ministers, now a day are saying that this election is going to fight between RSS and Congress. Narendra Modi is a choice of RSS which in its well chalked strategy come forth with Hindu Poster boy Modi to barge in power circle of Delhi. However RSS has another alternate to Modi strategy. If BJP cross the magical tally of 200 seats then only Modi will be coronet otherwise Adwani camp will put forward to win support of allies says a BJP source.

How far Congress will able to hold Modi’s magic will be an interesting thing to watch but one thing is sure that NaMo is going to be a tough obstacle for the UPA 3 dream.

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