Thursday, November 28, 2013

Some one is watching your mind

Some one is watching your mind

In the run up of preparations for 2014 election political parties have been snooping voter’s minds 

According to a news item published in an English daily few days back a British Commission has been probing charge of snooping of LG smart TV. It is alleged that LG smart TV had send viewing habits of owner’s family back to South Korean manufacturer. At the time when India is gearing to see an electoral battle for 2014 election this corporate snooping has translated to election snooping.
Both the main national parties, the Congress and BJP have equipped their arsenal with latest developed software. Other national and state level political parties are also gearing up to match their strategy room (in common parlance, known as war room) with main players of electoral war going to fight ahead in the next six months across India. A dedicated team has been working on development of software for the last one year says a source privy to development of this software. ‘This time festival of democracy will be celebrated not on ground but in sky through the spectrum’ adds the source.
It is true that BJP spearheaded by its prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi is leading the virtual war fought between the Congress and BJP. In fact the IT department of BJP has developed a number of new software which not only keeps eyes on voters’ mind but also keeps close eyes on rival political parties. Party is testing new software in the four assembly elections which are about to culminate on 8th of December. Sources privy to development told that with Delhi is the focus state where newly developed techniques are being used before the coming general elections of 2014.
With the burgeoning middle class along with fat moneybag the Indians are reaching out for most advance gadgets available in the market. This trend is being also witnessed even in two and tree tier cities. Equipped with 3G and 4G internet options middle class, especially young generation has become savvy to internet.
Political parties are gleaning through this new habits of tech friendly young generation who in his quest of getting country corruption and scandal free search various options before use his newly acquired right of vote. Social media and customized micro messaging have also become a power full tool to spread the message across the states in this new age of smart phones, tablets and laptops. Micro messaging includes text messaging, email and whatsapp messaging like tools to either instill parties ideology or to tell wrong done by opponents in their regime. Penetration of smart phones, tablets and even laptops have got intruded in deep inside remote villages either through awareness or through governmental schemes. Incidentally Aam aadmi party (Aap), new entrant of Delhi election fray has also used these new age weapons to spread venom against opponents in current political slugfest.
As per the details given by the persons connected directly with the projects of both the big national parties, the most advance polling and analytics work is being done in BJP’s backroom situated in Gandhinager and a team in Bangluru led by Union Petroleum and natural gas minister Veerappa Moily’s son-in- law and entrepreneur Anand Adkoli for Congress.
A news item published in a pink daily says ‘the work done by these two teams is secretive and little about their precise nature is known outside of a few senior functionaries in both parties. But data analytics of varying sophistication is being applied at many levels.’

When a voter in a search of party’s policies or some party related news a website of BJP or its various support groups, a cookie is planted on his smart phone, tab or computer told a source who does not want to be named. This planted cookie will track your browsing pattern and will built an algorithm which in turn sketch a demographic profile based on voter’s browsing pattern. So be causes next time when you visit website of parties.
a makbara in khuro bagh of Allahabad

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Power Buzz: Why Bureaucracy is divided on Narendra Modi?

Power Buzz: Why Bureaucracy is divided on Narendra Modi?

--Some bureaucrats of Delhi does not like Modi as prime minister.

--Haunted by experience of fellow Gujarat cadre bureaucrats.

A section of top echelon of Indian bureaucracy is not happy with the rising popularity graph of BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi. These bureaucrats who are working here in Central Ministries are continuously showing discontent and scepticism against Modi and have always opposed to change in guards at center. Indeed the majority of these bureaucrats are either currently associated with Ministers at center as private staff or posted at plumb postings. This class is never impressed by the harangue of Gujarat Chief Minister and has always criticized by finding lacuna in speeches delivered by Modi. Incidentally they candidly accept about adverse effect on their service also because of their affinities shown loudly in Delhi circle of power.

On the other hand there are bureaucrats, who are deprived of good and creamy postings in the UPA regime, waiting to change in reign. This class of bureaucrats was purportedly close to parties which are part of NDA or were part of NDA in past during 1998 to 2004. This class helped the politicians of NDA regime to over turn the decisions of erstwhile Congress party rule and framed new laws to suit the requirements of BJP led NDA. Clearly if a change occurs in aisle of power at center then close lieutenants (in bureaucracy) of politician of NDA are in high hope to return their heyday.

Surprisingly there is fear of autocratic rule among the bureaucrats who do not want the rule of Narendra Modi in Delhi. However a regime of NDA led by some other moderate image leaders of BJP is acceptable to them. ‘There would be sleuths at our office and home if we utter a single word against Modi. At least in the present regime we could talk and even criticize to Prime Minister but if Modi come to power no one will bother to raise a finger against his decisions’ said a bureaucrat who does not wish to be identified by name in this article.  

Bureaucrats of Gujarat Cadre presently posted in central government on deputation echoes the suspended Ias officer Pradeep Sharma charges leveled against Modi and Amit Shah in private conversations. Pradeep Sharma is an suspended Ias officer of Gujarat Cadre to whom leader of opposition Arun Jaitly in Rajya Sabha called 'disgruntled officer' in his FB posting yesterday.Especially those officers, who belong to minority community, express clear antipathy against present incumbent of BJP spearheading the party to regain its lost power in center.

No doubts there are vested interest of top 'babus' who fear from Modi. If he comes in power, maraud of these officers who are hands in gloves with the corrupt politicians would be checked. Otherwise like many honest and uprights officers, they would welcome Modi led NDA also. One of top officer of this honest section says ‘who so ever come to power at central government we are nothing to worry as our work will be same’ when asked to respond a question related with Narendra Modi coming to power at center.  
Yamuna bridge of Allhabad

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Does the size matters?

Who's  more important?

supporter of social media or mammoth crowed surged at rallies

Doubts are being raised on the supporters for their intention, followers who stands up behind their ideologue through social media or by physically present at the place of rally. Both the sections of society are important voters but traditionally voters present at rally sites are considers more precious for parties. 
At the time when few star campaigners of two major political parties have been spending sleepless nights to garner the support of electorates, the size of their rallies has become a debatable issue. It has become so pertinent issue among the political pundits that they have started making predictions for the future Prime Minister through size of rallies.
It is true, in most of rallies called by parties to get support of voters, BJP’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi is attracting larger crowd than Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi.
But still the important question is, whether those who are coming to hear and cheer Modi in his rallies, would vote to candidates of BJP or they are there in rallies because of allurements as claimed by opponents. Certainly there is a long distance to cover from rally ground to polling booth. In between these two poles lots of hurdles are placed by opponents and without crossing these hurdles no candidate could even think to win the election.
Contrast to many of Modi’s ground packed rallies even Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi were unable to attract listeners for their election speeches. These two leaders in the last general election showed the wining path to Congress by influencing the minds of voters. It is also true that in some of rallies of Modi, local state unit could not be able to bring people in buses and tractors, but over all impression is good for Modi in Media and among general people.
Anti and defamatory remarks made by Congress leaders against BJP and its prime ministerial candidate proved to be a good image makers among the common people. It could be seen at many places if you could hold your mouth and tongue while common people were discussing political situations in metro or at tea Shops near your office and home. Surely stagflation is the root cause for this dissent among common man. The pinch of high inflation is hurting every pocket from top to bottom. It is possible that a highly paid or roaring income high strata segment might not be as hurt as common middle class people but heat of high inflation is being felt by every people in middle and lower segments of society.
I my view these could be few reasons behind good gathering in rallies of Modi. Gujarat chief Minister sells dreams to youths and penniless people who were most badly hurt by present stagflation. Prices are going up, economy is slowing down and career opportunities are going away. Despite high education youths are not getting jobs and common peoples are not getting full diets, which is essential for survival in this world. On the other hand main campaigners of the Congress, it seems are making claims, which in near future are not going to translate in realty.

Lastly, in this present age of technology, TV channels, which are busy in cut throat competition, are making all out efforts to telecast the rallies to gain TRP. Occupied voters would never like to waste his time in the acidulous atmosphere of public rallies where dangers of infiltrators and terrorist are always present despite the heavy presence of police personnel.Social media also plays an important role for making people disinterested to present at rally site. The BJP and Congress have made intensive efforts through social media expert professionals to feed every thing of a rally almost live. Only time will tell, who is more important cheering crowd of rallies or clamoring members of social media.   

Pics of Coffee house of Allahabad, a place where many great politicians, authors and poets had spend their evenings to discuss many important issues.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Has Congress trapped in game plane of Modi?

*       Gujarat Chief always tried to take Gandhi family directly after his anointment

‘The Congress will never reply directly to the vicious attacks of Narendra Modi on Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi and to his mother Sonia Gandhi.’ Many Congress Stalwarts who are defending Congress Vice President and Sonia Gandhi on various occasions have expressed similar views while replying on issues (not so pleasant for the Congress) raised by Narendra Modi.

But recently, it seems that Congress has changed its strategy. Its top leadership has become so furious after the scathing personal jibe especially against Rahul Gandhi that it has rewritten plan to tackle Modi. Recent direct attacks on Modi in Madhya Pradesh election rallies clearly show the changes in Congress strategy. Now Sonia is taking the bull’s horn directly by making direct reference to Modi. ‘Daydreamer’ statement made during an election speech is an example where Gujarat Chief Minister is clearly referred as he is one of main contenders who are running for Chair of Prime Minister.
Rahul has been avoiding any direct reference to Modi after getting serious advice from top advisors of his team. Especially after the rally of Uttar Pradesh in which Muslim youths and ISI controversy engulfed him with a controversy, he has changed his focus on BJP rather than Narendra Modi. Since then his speeches were normally laced with sober words to narrate people oriented polices of UPA. But in yesterday’s Chattisgarh rallies he once again used ‘thief and plunderer’ like phrase for leaders of BJP Chattisgarh unit. Critics also acknowledge that speeches of Sonia and Rahul are an apparent change in the Congress planning to counter the growing influence of Narendra Modi.

‘This also shows that Modi has succeeded in converting the fight of forth coming election into a direct fight with that of Gandhi family’ said a senior journalist while we were analyzing the current election campaign at press club yesterday. From day one Modi wanted to fight 2014 Lok Sabha election in American Presidential election. Though Congress has always tried not to trap in Modi’s strategy as it has experienced the consequences in Gujarat elections three times yet BJP prime ministerial candidate seems to succeed in his game plan.
To support my observation I would like to quotes from Chetan Bhagat, who in his article published today in TOI has written ‘BJP continues to get stronger every day even as Namo runs the campaign for both the BJP and the Congress.’ He further writes ‘ Namo sets a weekly topic- from burqa to dehati aurat to Sardar Patel- and Congress man write essays attacking him.’

The Congress, in its attempt to tackle continuously increasing influence of Modi, is now not only targeting Gujarat Chief minister but also trying to ban or control opinion poll and social media which are waving increasing supports in favour of Modi in common voters. Annoyed by this, Bhagat writes in the same article ‘Free speech is the only catharsis available to suffering Indians.’ Certainly this is not the right way to won elections.
Picture of fort of Allahabad. It is very near to my home of Allahabad. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Whose ammo is more lethal?

Use of filthy words are raising the temperature of election climate 

In the run up of ensuing election campaigns the Congress and BJP are exchanging filthy and acrimonious words to make attacks sharper on opponents. Along with major national parties, smaller parties are also targeting opposition of their respective states. Verbal feud among the parties is bound to go sharper as the general election of parliament comes closer. 
It seems that the BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi is more rhetorical than Rahul. Modi is making good use of his Hindi vocabulary to target the Congress Vice president Rahul Gandhi. After transfer of reign from Sonia to Rahul in Jaipur Chintan Sivir, Rahul is virtually leading the Congress campaign and strategy teams to dethrone BJP governments from M.P and Chattisgarh along with retaining the Congress governments of Delhi and Rajesthan.
To me, Rahul campaigning strategy is lagging in many fronts. His team is not making proper preparations for the rallies which have to be addressed by Rahul for getting crucial supports of voters for Congress candidates. Lacks of knowledge to local issues defocus the attention to audiences which were normally managed by local unit of Congress party. He repeats his speech on the same pattern for the last three to four years. In fact one of critics in his article in a well known English pink paper pointed out elaborately the pattern of Rahul’s speech being delivered for the last four years. Some of his immediate family’s sacrifice tales and details of vote catching schemes of Congress government at centre along with some attack on opponents especially the BJP on the communal line. In zest it was the total theme of speech of Rahul till few weeks back. However after lot of criticism and introspection by the team of top office bearers of Congress Rahul has changed his pattern of speech. Now neither he attacks on Narendra Modi directly nor taking the BJP on communal lines. Instead of wooing voters on old line he now attracts voters by highlighting the grand schemes of UPA government.
In my view, speeches written on old pattern mentioned above were useful ten years back not in India of present time. Today youths are more educated, who have no first hand empirical experience of legacy of Gandh-Nehru family. They have not experienced the pain of present generation Gandhi-Nehru family whose two prominent members had sacrificed their life in the service of Nation. Although present generation of youth has read about Gandhi Nehru dynasty in books but he also has first hand experience of pain for  martyred soldiers who had laid down their lives while fighting terrorists at borders or at home land. I think this is one of the reason why present generation youths are not impressed with stories of sacrifice of Gandhi-Nehru family.
While on the other hand Narendra Modi has become a fixing agent for BJP which was seen as a divided house just a few months back. Although Modi has made blunders especially with the historical facts in his speech, even then he is attracting more audiences and youths in his mega rallies. That is why, the Congress which initially ignored Modi has started seeing Modi as a challenge. Many of Congress cabinet ministers acknowledge privately the power of management of Modi and his oratory skills.
Not speaking on the current burning issues so frequently with the media and common people by its top leadership is the root cause of problems faced by the Congress, feel many political pandits.
To add more bitterness in the coming election scenario, verbal war between two estrange allies of NDA is also escalating day by day. In my view war of BJP and JD(u) is more of ego than of ideologies. Egos of Nitish and that of Narendra Modi along with BJP leaders of Bihar has grown up so large that a fight is eminent and which will find new high dimension in coming days.
The parties are busy in mud-slinging on opponents but ironically the smart public has already made its mind in favour of some party to vote.

pics of 'Patther Girzaghar' in Allahabad. looks very beautiful in night.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Why this hue and cry for expression to thought?

Bitter fight for opinion poll

Puzzled with the arguments put forth to ban opinion poll, a neighbor of mine asked why ban only opinion poll, why not ban complete poll process? Promptness with which he raised his voice while seeing TV debate on banning opinion poll push me to ponder the issue more seriously.
Pre poll survey has become issue of contention between those who are feeling negative pinch from the result predicted in surveys and those who are projected as possible gainer in coming elections. While the verbal barb is going on directly between the Congress and the BJP but heat are also felt from smaller parties who were not so favourable among the voters this time.
De facto this whole feud of words has been started by Election Commission of India which initially started the debate of banning per poll and exit poll surveys. Election commission has asked various political parties to give their views on this issue. Congress which initially was  okey with surveys, certainly with some riders,  suddenly change its position and suggested the Commission to ban the surveys. In a letter written to Election Commission, Congress has expressed serious concern about the surveys. It has raised questions on the sample size and methodology of the surveys used by the agencies. It says that results of these surveys are often not come true and it also influences the minds of voters. Meanwhile to stress its point further Congress has decided to abstain from the discussion on the poll surveys telecast on TVs channel after the announcement of poll date to polling day.

On the other hand the BJP has opposed the idea of banning of surveys put forth by election commission. It says that banning of surveys are tantamount to ban imposed on expression which is a clear violation of Art.19, I also feel the same and which was also echoed in Ex. solicitor general Soli Sorabjee’s opinion which he had given to then 2004 government of the Centre. Sorabjee had given his view against the banning of pre and post poll surveys. However the present incumbent of solicitor general’s post is favouring the banning of pre opinion poll. The congress has based its arguments on the present solicitor's views. Many political analysts are not buying the principle of present Solicitor general. They feel that banning of opinion poll is a step, of the chain which will culminate on banning of all means of expression, which includes articles, editorial and even censoring of news paper publication.    

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Politics of convenience

Politics of convenience

Every time when the general election of parliament comes, the political parties get busy in finding new permutation combination to climb the ladder of power. Parties which were supporting to ruling alliance till the few months back before the due date of election suddenly get invoked by the inner sense and find many reasons to make a distance from ruling coalition.
The phenomenon has become so regular to Indian political scenario that even the common illiterate voter understands the gimmicks played by political parties.
National parties woo the regional parties before or after the election to make a winning combination. While the regional parties try to bargain the situation to achieve the maximum booty when the parties prepare a blue print of government before presenting their claim to the President, indeed after putting the required numbers in  the pocket.
This game is not restricted to regional chatraps only. The national parties also indulge in such play while trying to bring regional parties in their fold. The pacts were not only restricted to seat sharing but some time to the extent of giving relief from the clutches of CBI in criminal cases. In the regime of UPA both regional parties of Uttar Pradesh, the SP and BSP are said to have got clemency from CBI.
The Third front
Before every election the parties, which have their influence to a particular region come close together on a platform either in the name of opposing the ‘corrupt’ Congress or the ‘non secular’ BJP. Corruption and Non Secularism are the two strategic words on basis of which regional parties weave their plank to tilt their ideology in advance so that hard supporters and voters could be fooled while deciding the side in post poll situation.
Soaring relation with the Congress and SP is the peculiar example which shows how politics could take shape according to convenience. Seeing parliament general election 2014 gets closer the SP has re planned its relations with the Congress at the centre. Though voice of decent had been started two or three months back from lower rung and cadre of party but no high profile leader of party had spoken strongly and critically against the Congress till the last week.
But in recent days especially after the surveys released on News Papers and tv channels showing the debilitating position of SP in Uttar Pradesh and Congress in over all country, leaders of top echelon of SP has started voicing discerns against relationship with the Congress. Relations between the Congress, SP and BSP are very bizarre in nature, typically a mark of ‘convenience politics’. Trios are opponents in political land of Uttar Pradesh but at centre SP and BSP give outside support to the Congress led UPA government.