Sunday, November 24, 2013

Power Buzz: Why Bureaucracy is divided on Narendra Modi?

Power Buzz: Why Bureaucracy is divided on Narendra Modi?

--Some bureaucrats of Delhi does not like Modi as prime minister.

--Haunted by experience of fellow Gujarat cadre bureaucrats.

A section of top echelon of Indian bureaucracy is not happy with the rising popularity graph of BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi. These bureaucrats who are working here in Central Ministries are continuously showing discontent and scepticism against Modi and have always opposed to change in guards at center. Indeed the majority of these bureaucrats are either currently associated with Ministers at center as private staff or posted at plumb postings. This class is never impressed by the harangue of Gujarat Chief Minister and has always criticized by finding lacuna in speeches delivered by Modi. Incidentally they candidly accept about adverse effect on their service also because of their affinities shown loudly in Delhi circle of power.

On the other hand there are bureaucrats, who are deprived of good and creamy postings in the UPA regime, waiting to change in reign. This class of bureaucrats was purportedly close to parties which are part of NDA or were part of NDA in past during 1998 to 2004. This class helped the politicians of NDA regime to over turn the decisions of erstwhile Congress party rule and framed new laws to suit the requirements of BJP led NDA. Clearly if a change occurs in aisle of power at center then close lieutenants (in bureaucracy) of politician of NDA are in high hope to return their heyday.

Surprisingly there is fear of autocratic rule among the bureaucrats who do not want the rule of Narendra Modi in Delhi. However a regime of NDA led by some other moderate image leaders of BJP is acceptable to them. ‘There would be sleuths at our office and home if we utter a single word against Modi. At least in the present regime we could talk and even criticize to Prime Minister but if Modi come to power no one will bother to raise a finger against his decisions’ said a bureaucrat who does not wish to be identified by name in this article.  

Bureaucrats of Gujarat Cadre presently posted in central government on deputation echoes the suspended Ias officer Pradeep Sharma charges leveled against Modi and Amit Shah in private conversations. Pradeep Sharma is an suspended Ias officer of Gujarat Cadre to whom leader of opposition Arun Jaitly in Rajya Sabha called 'disgruntled officer' in his FB posting yesterday.Especially those officers, who belong to minority community, express clear antipathy against present incumbent of BJP spearheading the party to regain its lost power in center.

No doubts there are vested interest of top 'babus' who fear from Modi. If he comes in power, maraud of these officers who are hands in gloves with the corrupt politicians would be checked. Otherwise like many honest and uprights officers, they would welcome Modi led NDA also. One of top officer of this honest section says ‘who so ever come to power at central government we are nothing to worry as our work will be same’ when asked to respond a question related with Narendra Modi coming to power at center.  
Yamuna bridge of Allhabad

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