Saturday, November 9, 2013

Why this hue and cry for expression to thought?

Bitter fight for opinion poll

Puzzled with the arguments put forth to ban opinion poll, a neighbor of mine asked why ban only opinion poll, why not ban complete poll process? Promptness with which he raised his voice while seeing TV debate on banning opinion poll push me to ponder the issue more seriously.
Pre poll survey has become issue of contention between those who are feeling negative pinch from the result predicted in surveys and those who are projected as possible gainer in coming elections. While the verbal barb is going on directly between the Congress and the BJP but heat are also felt from smaller parties who were not so favourable among the voters this time.
De facto this whole feud of words has been started by Election Commission of India which initially started the debate of banning per poll and exit poll surveys. Election commission has asked various political parties to give their views on this issue. Congress which initially was  okey with surveys, certainly with some riders,  suddenly change its position and suggested the Commission to ban the surveys. In a letter written to Election Commission, Congress has expressed serious concern about the surveys. It has raised questions on the sample size and methodology of the surveys used by the agencies. It says that results of these surveys are often not come true and it also influences the minds of voters. Meanwhile to stress its point further Congress has decided to abstain from the discussion on the poll surveys telecast on TVs channel after the announcement of poll date to polling day.

On the other hand the BJP has opposed the idea of banning of surveys put forth by election commission. It says that banning of surveys are tantamount to ban imposed on expression which is a clear violation of Art.19, I also feel the same and which was also echoed in Ex. solicitor general Soli Sorabjee’s opinion which he had given to then 2004 government of the Centre. Sorabjee had given his view against the banning of pre and post poll surveys. However the present incumbent of solicitor general’s post is favouring the banning of pre opinion poll. The congress has based its arguments on the present solicitor's views. Many political analysts are not buying the principle of present Solicitor general. They feel that banning of opinion poll is a step, of the chain which will culminate on banning of all means of expression, which includes articles, editorial and even censoring of news paper publication.    

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