Saturday, October 26, 2013

Disconnect Vs Emotional Connect

Disconnect Vs Emotional Connect

After staunch criticism for not ‘getting a connection’ with his audience Congress Vice President Mr Rahul Gandhi tried to connect emotionally with people in his election rallies by narrating the emotionally charged stories of his immediate  family. By describing the pre and post scenarios of tragic and terrible accidents which led to end of lives of his grandmother Indira Gandhi and father Rajiv Gandhi, Rahul has indeed succeeded to maneuver some sympathy of his voters. But the big question is, whether this strategy will bring a wave in favour of the Congress and which could also give UPA to its third term.
Some critics, who have minutely observed Rahul through his election speeches, have some reservations about new strategy employed by Mr Gandhi. ‘It may boomerang and Congress vice president may draw more flak for using family legacy to attract youth voters, feels the critics.
While targeting main opponent BJP Rahul also charged party directly to instigate riots to spread hatred and divide minority community from major communities. In Bhopal, to support the allegations Congress vice president also quoted unidentified intelligence bureau officer who had said to briefed him about the aftermath of UP’s communal clashes. Pakistan’s ISI is approaching some Muslim youths who have lost their dear one in recent riots of Muzaffernagar, he told the audience present in rally.
As was anticipated by election analysts, opposition took no time to slam Rahul’s both the statements. The BJP firstly took the charge of attacks and questioned the government that under what capacity Rahul was getting feedback from IB officer that too when he has not taken the oath of secrecy. And if he has such sensitive information then why sharing with public from election platform? And why he has not passed such secret information to Home Ministry to look into the matter? Not only the BJP, left parties also slam Rahul for his political immaturity and for sharing classified information with the common public. Some Muslim clerics also criticized Rahul for linking ‘clash hit’ Muslim youths to ISI. Spokesperson of BJP Prakash Javedkar also targeted Rahul after statements of various Muslim religious leaders got space in print and electronic media .
Some analysis of election speeches of Rahul Gandhi shows that the pattern of his speeches are same since the time he started as star campaigner for his party. He starts with UPA’s vote catcher schemes then touches some non burning current issues and in last some stories of his family in which some times his grandmother gets mention but family of his uncle Sanjay Gandhi, who also lived with Indira Gandhi never gets a place in his speeches.
Will such references of scarifie and martyrdom work? In an era when majority of voters are in the age group of 28 to 45 years, this is a very pertinent question. It is important to note that currently the median age of Indian population is 28 years. When the education has reached to every nook corner of country and when the youths understand the gains associate with power gallery, will telling emotional stories of family give votes to Congress? And is also a future lead for psephologists who will analyze the coming election results.
‘Initially this strategy, to get attentions of masses was right to some extent but this can not work always as he is leading the party from front for long time and now as a second most important leader after his mother Sonia Gandhi’ said a Congress source who does not wish to be identified. Repetition of script will remind the accusation of BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi for Rahul that he is a ‘Sahazada’, who has got position in Congress because of scion and not because of mettle and acumen.

The movement of Lokpal harangued by Gandhi leader Anna and his team also speared a mass appeal against the politicians who where seen as a corrupt leader and who seems to have plundered the coffer of nation to buy comforts of life not only for self but also for all coming generations. Despite his public posture of honesty and straight forward man who is perturbed by dirty politics being played to reach power pyramid, Rahul Gandhi too belongs to that chunk of politician who had stalled every attempt which favours the movement of Anna. On the other hand honesty tag associated with Arvind Kejriwal’s AAP is the only reason for putting AAP as one of  main player of Delhi’s assembly fray. 

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