Sunday, November 3, 2013

Politics of convenience

Politics of convenience

Every time when the general election of parliament comes, the political parties get busy in finding new permutation combination to climb the ladder of power. Parties which were supporting to ruling alliance till the few months back before the due date of election suddenly get invoked by the inner sense and find many reasons to make a distance from ruling coalition.
The phenomenon has become so regular to Indian political scenario that even the common illiterate voter understands the gimmicks played by political parties.
National parties woo the regional parties before or after the election to make a winning combination. While the regional parties try to bargain the situation to achieve the maximum booty when the parties prepare a blue print of government before presenting their claim to the President, indeed after putting the required numbers in  the pocket.
This game is not restricted to regional chatraps only. The national parties also indulge in such play while trying to bring regional parties in their fold. The pacts were not only restricted to seat sharing but some time to the extent of giving relief from the clutches of CBI in criminal cases. In the regime of UPA both regional parties of Uttar Pradesh, the SP and BSP are said to have got clemency from CBI.
The Third front
Before every election the parties, which have their influence to a particular region come close together on a platform either in the name of opposing the ‘corrupt’ Congress or the ‘non secular’ BJP. Corruption and Non Secularism are the two strategic words on basis of which regional parties weave their plank to tilt their ideology in advance so that hard supporters and voters could be fooled while deciding the side in post poll situation.
Soaring relation with the Congress and SP is the peculiar example which shows how politics could take shape according to convenience. Seeing parliament general election 2014 gets closer the SP has re planned its relations with the Congress at the centre. Though voice of decent had been started two or three months back from lower rung and cadre of party but no high profile leader of party had spoken strongly and critically against the Congress till the last week.
But in recent days especially after the surveys released on News Papers and tv channels showing the debilitating position of SP in Uttar Pradesh and Congress in over all country, leaders of top echelon of SP has started voicing discerns against relationship with the Congress. Relations between the Congress, SP and BSP are very bizarre in nature, typically a mark of ‘convenience politics’. Trios are opponents in political land of Uttar Pradesh but at centre SP and BSP give outside support to the Congress led UPA government.