Thursday, December 26, 2013

An Advice to team Kejriwal

Have voters ever considered about manifesto of any party before going to polling booth?

Arun Srivastava

Chief minister designate of Delhi
The above question has boggled the mind ever since I heard the condition of Congress to Aam Aadmi party (AAP). The party has agreed to lend support because of adverse atmosphere and public image.  Both parties, Congress and BJP have been nudging the AAP since the declaration of assembly result to fulfill all its promises made in manifesto within few days after taking oath at Ramlila Ground. That too, when both the parties never have bothered to finish the promises before going to elections after enjoying five years of power. There are instances for both the parties when they had gone to contest the election without completely fulfilling the promises made to electorates. A leading national news paper had published a one page report about the Raman Singh’s government before the Chattisgarh election in which it evaluated the status of promises. Surprisingly about fifty percent of promises made to voters were reported to be unfulfilled and even then Raman Singh managed to pass through hurdles erected by Congress in recently held election in state.

Voters never mind about the fulfillment of promise before going to polling booth to cast their votes. They only take note of image of candidates or cast and religion factor before going to cast their votes.Also take cognizance of efforts and intention of ruling party while deciding the party to which they want to cast their favour in election. 
If it was not so then parties which have ruled the states and center would never be able to come again in power after getting miserably failed at many fronts and getting tainted in their deals. Electorates only see the alternate of bad governance of regime which ruled the government for five or more years at states or center. They find this time AAP as an alternate to the Congress and BJP and choose to vote it in power.

But both the mainstream political parties who traditionally shared the throne of Delhi now suddenly feel uncomfortable to find a newbie which not only snatched their traditional seat of power but also threatened to probe their misdeeds and plunder. These parties have amazed to see success story of AAP and are now trying to replicate in their own style to canvass the voters in the coming general election. Perhaps they never have considered AAP as a potential threat for future. That is why during the agitation days of LOkpal when Anna was on fast, ministers of Congress and other big names of all political parties literally abused Kejriwal and party and in fact had thrown challenge to Kejriwal and party to fight and win the election. It is because of this innuendo and challenge that Kejriwal and Prashant Bhusan along with other workers and leaders parted their ways from erstwhile Anna team and form a political party to fight an election and rest is the history of past which could be presented as an example to the student of politics. AAP has shown the new path to many honest and country's lovers to come forward and take the charge of reign to change the country from hatred of cast and religion.  

preparation is being carried out in Ramlila ground of Delhi 
Seeing the surge of support of masses many political pundits now predict the bright future of AAP. Indeed with many riders of if and but. If Kejriwal and his team of Cabinet could be able to perform an iota of good governance during the initial days of forming the government, I definitely find a new dawn to replace dark and gloomy politics of nation. In the last, my unsolicited advice to team Kejriwal, go forward and present a new style of governance to opponents who still do not want to believe in potent power of Aam Aadmi.

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