Monday, December 2, 2013

Litmus test for the new initiatives of Rahul


Rajesthan Elections: A litmus test for the new initiatives by Congress Vice President

In the run up of 2014 general election, today semi finals of five assemblies’ elections have reached in last phase. While voters of Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Mizoram and Rajesthan have exercised their rights to vote, Delhi’s voters will have to wait for one more day to cast their choice. Certainly these elections will have great impacts on the general elections of loksabha going to be held after five months. Results of these state assemblies will not only show the mind set of voters but also show the trend of Indian politics. Many analysis by Indian and foreign experts have taken these assembly elections as semi finals of general elections. In this background these elections are also being seen by political experts as litmus test for Rahul who has been taking many new initiatives since his atonement as Vice President along with his chosen team which is devoid of old faces of 24 Akbar Road Congress headquarters.
If the results of assembly elections come in favour of party then no finger will be raised, but in case it not happens then question marks can be put on the new initiatives of Gandhi scion by those faces who have some way or other ruled the Congress party says a sources who happens to be a close lieutenant of a big leader of party. Although many analysts feel that assembly and loksabha elections are fought on different issues altogether yet it is important to see the results of Rajesthan.
Rahul addressing a rally in Rajesthan
Selection of candidates in assembly elections were done on the criteria set by Rahul says another analyst. And these criteria were applied in toto in selection of candidates for Rajesthan. The selections for remaining three states were deviated from standard given by team Rahul due to political compulsions adds the analyst who does not wish to be named in this article.

Delhi election is also important

Local and administrative issues of state level are important and deciding issues to choose a candidate or party for state assembly, central governments are always voted on the backdrop of nationally important issues. But for Delhi this dogma is not always correct as the city is also capital of country. Results of Delhi always reflect the change which voters perceive for Central government.
In Delhi when leaders of both the major national parties will start to implant their final strategies in the night of 2nd and 3rd of December these facts will always hound minds of implementers. Both the National parties will indeed try to hold the reign of Delhi government by playing all tricks and tactics from their bag as winning the Delhi election also symbolises the government of Centre. It is said that those who hold power staring at Delhi also holds the power in the North and South blocks of Raisina hills.

Owing to this parties are all out to hold as many seats as possible in assembly election just to form their government at secretariat buildings of Delhi. Murmurs of rupees distribution to woo voters are also roaming around in city which also indicates the importance of these elections. Parties instead of candidates have opened their coffers for buying votes or candidates of opposite parties and independents said a source privy to development of night’s bazaars of votes. Central leaderships of all the major parties have been camping in Capital to organize the culminating campaign of Delhi to stake their claim in coming government if a hung assembly comes in picture. 
Congress Vice President in a Delhi rally

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