Saturday, December 7, 2013

Waiting for new Dawn

Waiting for new Dawn

With Fingers cross and Heart beats up parties wait for doomsday

Arun Srivastava

Political parties are waiting anxiously for new dawn at the end of Saturday in India to know their fate which was sealed by crores of voters of five states in EVMs. A new beginning of a new era or end of dominance in state politics is being waited by all contestant parties. Many political pundits (experts) have been calling these elections as semi finale in the run up of 2014 general election. These elections are as important as for Narendra Modi, are also equally important for Rahul Gandhi, the Nehru Gandhi scion who has been controlling reigns of party since the Rajesthan session. Jaipur session of Congress is more famous for the perception of Sonia Gandhi than for transfer of power. Rahul informed the audience about the perception of Sonia who considers Power as Poison.

To me power for politicians is like opium which gives a different type of feeling of ecstasy and elation. Ostensibly money and other offshoots of aisle of Raisina hill come to winning party ipso facto. Parties which were flanked by exit polls positive results predictions telecasted by different TVs channels on Delhi assembly’s polling day in assembly are in enthused mode and the rest are in doldrums. Second group is still busy in finding the reason of apparent debacle. Though seemingly loosing parties are showing doubts on the veracity of exit poll’s method and results yet some where in their high commands a sense of fear have been prevailing since the polling day and which stop them to boast about their assumption for coming results. Although on the face of TV cameras all are making big claims about forming of their party government. High claims for tomorrow’s results are being boasted out not only by leaders of parties but also by supporters who worked hard through out in last three months with the expectation of fruits after the win of candidates.

In my view these assembly elections will not only decide the future of many prime ministerial aspirants but also tell the future of our country. A party which is widely seen as conglomerates of institutionalised corrupt politicians by the common man seems to lose grip from chair of power. New political themes charecterised by transparent policies and tall claims of participatory politics of common people from Aam aadmi party and image of stern ruler in BJP’s prime ministerial candidate have preponderated against the old arch of current fort of Congress. 

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