bureau has presented a report about possible Loksabha seats in general
Arun Srivastava

Change of plan
of recent assembly elections proved that Congress plan to fight the election on
the basis of Mahatma Gandhi Rural employment Guaranty Act (Mnrega), Food
Security Act and Right to Information Act had not worked well. Seeing the
writing on wall, Congress has changed its strategy to fight coming elections of
Loksabha through the image of crusader against corruption.
bill passed by the parliament recently provided the opportunity and Congress
took no time to catch the chance. Under the direction of party think tank Rahul
Gandhi was seen arguing for Lokpal though initially he was as against this Act
as his deputies from party. The positive feeds back from different sections of
society, especially through India Inc after the speech delivered by Rahaul in
one of prominent business association of country has given impetus to top rank
of the party. In this speech Congress vice president opened a frontal attack
against corruptions and had got a grand applause from audience.
is strange to see that a party which is being accused of plundering the coffer
has been using the tools of fighting corruption as an apparatus to fight the
battle of election. After Lokpal Act the Congress will now push the remaining
six bills pending in Loksabha and Rajya Sabha and tagged as essential bills to
curb the corruption by party. Congress has got feeds back from rank and file
from ground that it is the corruption and corruption alone which has been
hounding and bothering the common man in the country. Not only the lower and
lower middle class but upper middle class has also effected by the corruption
in every walk of life.

another phenomenon has come in just concluded Delhi
assembly election. A phenomenon popularly known as AAP has clinched the imagination
of commoners and has sent jittery in all political parties. Both the Congress and BJP have
been thinking to create a plan to counter the progress of AAP especially in urban
population. Many parties who follow the path of feudal and traditional politics
do not find any reasons to panic in their bastion. Cast and religion are their
combination which always proved to be the wining formula for them. For regional
parties real India lies far away from Delhi which constitute cosmopolitan type
of voters and who were governed by the desire of urban amenities. All the regional
parties recognized the reach of AAP to the voters in Delhi but they never take Arvind Kejriwal and
his party as a potent force who could dethrone their parties from regional and
state’s corridor of power.
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