Saturday, December 14, 2013

Will this way Congress connect to commoners?

Plight of poor lady in the Congress HQ tells the real story

By Arun Srivastava

Day before yesterday when a special conference of the Congress was about to start to announce the opening of party’s door, a middle aged women was also seen amidst Journalists sitting on chair. Party office bearers were requesting cameramen of TV channels not to focus on lady. The lady had traveled all along from West Bengal to redress her grievance. West Bengal in charge C. P Joshi refused to hear and had shown her gates.Finally she reached in conference room, just to plead agony and pain to ministers.She was force fully evicted by plane clothed police women constable after getting instructions from media cell people. With paper and bag in hand she protested the eviction with loud cry and tears in eyes. Ironically all great members of forth pillar of democracy kept their dumb eras closed.   

I’m writing this because the conference was called to announce the implementation of Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi’s plan to open the gates of party for common people. Party veteran leader and coordinator of war room Jairam Rames proudly announced that to follow the dictate of Rahul party has been preparing open manifesto for which a meeting was held in Delhi.  After the debacle of assembly election Congress vice president announced to open the gates of party so that general public could get access to leaders of the party.

Now just think again the incident of crying women’s eviction from conference room and policy to which Congress trying to implement just to retain power in Lok sabha in next general election 2014.  The question is how Congress will connect to common people? Rahul wants to imitate the methods of Aam Admi party whose leader Arvind kejriwal has refused the police protection provided by Delhi police after he joined the coterie of elite leaders of Delhi state.

When simple grievance of a poor women could not be heard and solved at the party headquarter of grand old party of nation then how one could think that party and its leaders will make sincere efforts to reach common man on the streets? More interestingly party has been losing the connection with masses when party need it more than any other time and when party has been struggling to retain its tally of seats in states election after election.

It seems that political parties and its leaders have never treated last man of street as honorable man who also has a right to live with respect. For them man on street is simply an entity of their vote bank who becomes important only when election comes nearer. Inclusive growth and justice to common man are slogans which get highlighted only in speeches of elections. A ray of hope has come from Aam Aadmi Party. Don’t know to which extent this party will follow it own dictums. But one thing is sure political parties never want to see common man near its leaders when elections are not looming large. 

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