Monday, December 9, 2013

Let Delhi be made a model state


Let Delhi be made a model state
supporters of AAP at his HQ after win

 Arun Srivastava
Undecided mandate, hung assembly, parties reluctant to form the government, forced election then let the Delhi be made a model state by giving full majority to Aam Aadmi. This is the crux of talks of a group of old and middle aged voters of Delhi assembly seated on bench in a park where I used to go for morning walk regularly. Indeed, this is the same group in which many voters were impressed by Arvind Kejriwal’s idealistic speeches also but were not sure of his party’s victory as they have no idea of his base among masses and hence not voted to AAP on 4th of December. Many of those voters who were in doldrums for voting in favour of AAP will move towards the new entrant to support this time if once again an election comes in case no party forms a government.

The way trend is going on after declaration of results, another election looks around the corner in Delhi. Let Delhi be made a modal state for rest of India and for political parties. Incidentally, parties are force to follow ethical and morally right practices even after declaration of this election also. Thumping vote share of AAP has forced main wining party BJP to reconsider its earlier stand of formation of government in Delhi along with Madhya Pradesh, Rajesthan and Chattisgarh where it has secured a majority of its own. Pushed to reconsider its stand by seeing the number of seats AAP won and high pitched morally laced attacks not only by leaders of AAP but also from common people who came out on streets to celebrate the victory of AAP’s candidates, BJP immediately decided not to approach Lieutenant governor Najib Jung to put forth its claim of government. It looks that BJP is withdrawing itself from forming government after 15 years of wait just because the wrong signals and massages which certainly paint them in bad colours among voters. Government formation with three or four short from magic number could only be possible by engineering a defection in either AAP or in Congress camps.

If BJP has been forced to change its earlier stance of government formation (because party president Rajnath Singh in a press conference after conclusion of parliamentary announced name of observers from party headquarter to monitor the process for Delhi also along with M.P, Rajesthan and Chattisgarh) just by seeing numbers of AAP then just think what will happen if Arvind Kejriwal’s team could be able to translate its big promises made to Delhi voters. All traditional players of Indian political scenario will also to force to mend it way of doing politics which stems from corruptions, hooliganism, marauds, plunders and elimination of opponents.
Look at the humbleness at with Kejriwal refuses to own the credit of thumping victory in debut fight of election just after one year of formation of AAP after parting its way from mentor Anna Hazare. ‘This is not my win. This win is of common man who has stood against corruptions and inflation. I am also a common who has been affected by corruption and high inflation’ says Kejrival when some one tried to bestow the congratulation for victory in just held assembly election.

Many of my journalist friends refuse to own alleged goodness of AAP phenomenon and refute its claim of cleaning the politics from centre to state to city level by bringing good and non selfish patriotic men on AAP platform. Yes, in democracy friends have every right to have their opinions on each and ever issue nonetheless AAP is also entitled to get a chance to prove its worthiness for the sake of society and nation to which we also owe responsibilities. I think many of us would certainly be have such ideas while voting to AAP’s unknown faces and also while denoting precious time and pecuniary helps.

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