Thursday, December 19, 2013

Should AAP form the government?

Survey is being carried out in Delhi and surprisingly AAP is getting lot of responses

 Arun Srivastava

kejriwal announcing for survey to know voter's view
Arvind Kejriwal led Aam Admi Party should form the government in Delhi or not? A debate has been going on since sunday in the City and every participant has got his version of answer. Opinions are divided on the formation of government. I belong to that school of thought who does not believe in taking any type of support from either Congress or BJP. The logic is simple. Both the major national parties are at the receiving end of AAP and they have been not taking the presence of AAP lightly since the declaration of assembly results. These parties are using every gimmick to create a bad impression of governance ability of AAP’s leaders. Going back to court of people for full mandate would be the better option.

Besides, there is another school which wishes for AAP to form the government. This school wants from AAP to prove their worthiness for the society to retain the seat of power in the coming days. Going by past record and dubious credibility of Congress party this school does not see any threat from the party in near future as the general elections is looming large. They have been arguing since BJP refused to form the government that few good steps by AAP will have more lasting effects on common man who has come out openly on streets of Delhi.

We have to ponder why this sudden change of heart of the Congress and BJP towards the AAP? It seems that both the parties have come together to force the AAP for hara-kiri. Both the parties want from AAP to commit sear mistakes so that from next time only traditional players of politics remain in the field. Both these parties could fight and manipulate the arithmetic of cast and religion but would not be able to fight the surge of commoners who have bee lined behind AAP.
Traditional or feudal politics believes in cast and religion. In modern India all the parties which come in the picture after or before independence have made their base in some limited segment of the society. The Congress is in power because of its support among lower strata in Hindus. It also used to get support of Muslims because of secular image of Jawahar lal Nehru. Till few year back BJP was seen as a urban middle class party however pundits believes that it has now made roads in other segment of Hindu society and to some extent in Muslim society also. Similarly regional parties have their influences in their strongholds in specific castes or group of castes. Muslims as block voters always attracts to these parties which in turn forces them to make boastful statements to lure Muslims towards their party.

Contrary to these parties AAP has emerged with the large base in youths and middle class of all segment of society. By announcing the fight against corruption, water and electricity AAP has dented the base of all parties. Just because of this broad base of AAP crafted from traditional voter base of all national and regional parties, leaders of all parties are aiming at slinging newbie of Delhi.

Keeping in mind to all facts of ground politics it will not be wise for AAP to go for government. Moreover Kejriwal himself has given many times the example of sudden end of Chowdhri Charan Singh and Chandrashekhar’s minority government in the past. When instances are there to support the logic of not to take any support from BJP and Congress, then why this change stance?       

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